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Items found: 188
Record #Source (e.g. developer/organization)Acronym (e.g. ISO, IEC)Identifier (e.g. document designation number)Title of documentScope/descriptionKeywordsType of DocumentIssue area(s) this applies toPrimary category that this applies toIntended stakeholdersLastModif
136International Organization for StandardizationISO19716Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of cellulose nanocrystals -- Particle morphology, purity and surface properties This Technical Report reviews commonly used methods for the characterization of cellulose...Cellulose nanocrystals, CNCs, measurement methods, sample preparationa. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2016-06-07
133International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 19006Nanotechnologies -- 5-(and 6)-Chloromethyl-2¿,7¿ Dichloro-dihydrofluorescein diacetate (CM-H2DCF-DA) assay for evaluating nanoparticle-induced intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in RAW 264.7 macrophage cell lineThis Technical Specification provides requirements for evaluation of the in vitro ROS generation...Reactive oxygen species, ROS, cytotoxicity, in vitro measurementsa. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2016-07-22
155ASTM International Technical Committee E56E2864Standard Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Surface Area Concentration in Inhalation Exposure Chambers using Krypton Gas AdsorptionThis test method covers determination of surface area of airborne metal and metal oxide...BET surface area; gas sorption analysis; inhalation exposure; krypton; metal and metal oxide nanopara. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsResearchers, developers, manufacturers, and users of nanomaterials and nanotechnology-enabled...2016-08-26
156ASTM International Technical Committee E56E2865Standard Guide for Measurement of Electrophoretic Mobility and Zeta Potential of Nanosized Biological Materials This guide deals with the measurement of mobility and zeta potential in systems containing...electrophoretic mobility; isoelectric point; zeta potential; zwitterion; nano-bio materialsa. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsResearchers, developers, manufacturers, and users of nanoscale biological materials. Stakeholders...2016-08-26
158ASTM International Technical Committee E56E2996Standard Guide for Nanotechnology Workforce Education in Health and Safety This guide provides guidelines for basic workforce education in health and safety topics; health; nanomaterial; nanoparticle; nanotechnology; safetya. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentStudents and workers in nanotechnology; educators in nanotechnology; employers in...2016-08-26
159ASTM International Technical Committee E56E3001Standard Practice for Workforce Education in Nanotechnology Characterization This practice describes a procedure to provide the basic education of characterization methods... characterization; nano; nanoscale materials; workforce educationa. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsStudents and workers in nanotechnology; educators in nanotechnology; employers in...2016-08-26
160ASTM International Technical Committee E56E3034Standard Guide for Workforce Education in Nanotechnology Pattern GenerationThis guide provides a framework for a basic workforce education in pattern generation topics...lithography; nano; pattern generation; workforce educationa. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsStudents and workers in nanotechnology; educators in nanotechnology; employers in...2016-08-26
161ASTM International Technical Committee E56E3059Standard Guide for Workforce Education in Nanotechnology InfrastructureThis document provides guidelines for basic workforce education in the infrastructure topics...cleanroom; education; fume hood; glove box; health; nanomaterial; nanoparticle; nanotechnologya. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2016-08-26
157ASTM International Technical Committee E56E3025Standard Guide for Tiered Approach to Detection and Characterization of Silver Nanomaterials in TextilesThis guide covers the use of a tiered approach for detection and characterization of silver...analytical methods; characterization; detection; nanomaterials; silver; textiles; tiered approacha. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsThis guide is intended to serve as a resource for manufacturers, producers, analysts,...2016-08-26
154ASTM International Technical Committee E56E2834Standard Guide for Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanomaterials in Suspension by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) This guide deals with the measurement of particle size distribution of suspended particles, from...dynamic light scattering; nano; nanoparticle tracking analysis; photon correlation spectroscopya. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsResearchers, developers, manufacturers and users of nanomaterials and nanotechnology-enabled...2016-08-26
153ASTM International Committee E56E2909Standard Guide for Investigation/Study/Assay Tab-Delimited Format for Nanotechnologies (ISA-TAB-Nano): Standard File Format for the Submission and Exchange of Data on Nanomaterials and Characterizations This guide (ISA-TAB-Nano) specifies the format for representing and sharing information about...dynamic light scattering; nano; nanoparticle tracking analysis; photon correlation spectroscopya. Standard Terminology and Nomenclature
Measurement and Characterizations
Material Specifications
Researchers, developers, and users of nanomaterials and nanotechnology-enabled products....2016-08-26
134International Organization for StandardizationISO18196Measurement technique matrix for the characterization of nano-objectsThis Technical Report provides a matrix, which guides users to commercially available techniques...nano-objects, physico-chemical characterization, TEM, SEM, SFM, SPM, FT-IR, DLS, EELS, IG, ICP-MS,a. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2017-01-09
16International Organization for StandardizationISOTR 18637General framework for the development of occupational exposure limits for nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomeratesThis technical report provides overview of the state of the science in methodologies and...occupational exposure limits, OELs, OEBs, NOAA, frameworka. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/Manufacturing2017-01-09
3International Electrotechnical CommissionIEC62607-3-1Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 3-1: Luminescent nanomaterials - Quantum efficiencySpecifies the procedures to be followed and precautions observed when performing reproducible...Quantum efficiency, quantum dots, nanoparticles, nanophosphors, nanocrystalsa. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyEnd use product manufacturers in the lighting, electronics (touch screens), renewable energy and...2017-01-18
168International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-4-1Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-1: Cathode nanomaterials for nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Electrochemical characterisation, 2-electrode cell methodprovides a standardized method for the determination of electrochemical properties of cathode...cathode, lithium, lithium iron, lithium iron phosphate, nanomaterial, energy storage, electrochemicae. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyEnergy storage device suppliers; producers of energy storage devices that incorporate...2017-01-18
170International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-4-3Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-3: Nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Contact and coating resistivity measurements for nanomaterialsProvides a standardized test method for the measurement of contact and coating resistivity of...nano-enabled; nano-enabled electrode; coating composite, energy storage; resistivity; measuremente. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyNanomaterial suppliers and end users; nanomaterial researchers2017-01-18
169International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-4-2Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-2: Nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Physical characterization of cathode nanomaterials, density measurementProvides a standardized method for the determination of the density of cathode nanomaterials in...cathode; cathode nanomaterials, energy storagee. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencycathode nanomaterial suppliers; nano-enabled energy storage device manufacturers2017-01-18
167International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-3-2Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 3-2: Luminescent nanoparticles - Determination of mass of quantum dot dispersionSpecifies a method for determining the mass of a sample of QD dispersion after the removal of...quantum dot; QD; semiconductor; colloidal; dispersion; dispersability; ligands; TGA; solvent; impurie. SpecificationMeasurement and CharacterizationsEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencySuppliers and end users of quantum dots2017-01-18
166International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 80004-9Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary - Part 9: Nano-enabled electrotechnical products and systemsSpecifies terms and definitions for electrotechnical products and systems reliant on...vocabulary; terminology; electrotechnical vocabularye. SpecificationTerminology and NomenclatureEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyNano-electrotechnical industry and research2017-01-18
171International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-4-4Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-4: Nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Thermal characterization of nanomaterials, nail penetration methodProvides a measurement method for thermal runaway quality level test for nano-enabled energy...nano-enabled; energy storage; nail; nail penetration; thermal runaway; electrodee. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyNanomaterial suppliers; energy storage end product manufacturers and researchers2017-01-18
172International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-4-5Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-5: Cathode nanomaterials for nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Electrochemical characterization, 3-electrode cell methodprovides a standardized method for the determination of electrochemical properties of cathode...nanomanufacturing; energy storage; cathode; cathode nanomaterials; lithium; lithium iron phosphatee. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyenergy storage-related nanomaterial suppliers; energy storage device manufacturers2017-01-26
173International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-5-1Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 5-1: Thin-film organic/nano electronic devices - Carrier transport measurementsProvides a standardized sample structure for characterizing charge transport properties in...thin-flim; thin-film organic; nanomanufacturing; key control characteristics; carrier transport; nane. Specification2017-01-26
174International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-6-4Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 6-4: Graphene - Surface conductance measurement using resonant cavityestablishes a method for determining the surface conductance of two-dimensional (2D) single-layer...graphene; surface conductance; nano-carbon; chemical vapor deposition; CVD; resonant cavity; resonane. SpecificationMeasurement and CharacterizationsEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyGraphene suppliers, graphene end users; researchers2017-01-26
175International Electrotechnical CommissionIEC/IEEEIEC 62659Nanomanufacturing - Large scale manufacturing for nanoelectronicsProvides a framework for introducing nanoelectronics into large scale, high volume production in...nanoelectronics; large scale; high volume production; semiconductor; nanomaterials; carbon nanotubesa. Standard Performance MethodsComputers and electronics2017-01-26
176International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62622Nanotechnologies - Description, measurement and dimensional quality parameters of artificial gratingsSpecifies the generic terminology for the global and local quality parameters of artificial...artificial gratings; dimensional qualityTerminology and Nomenclaturenanomaterial manufacturers, nanomaterial users; research2017-01-27