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Selected Document Category:Document Awaiting to be Published
Source:ASTM International
Anticipated Publication Year:2015
Publication Year:
Document Title:New Guide for detection and characterization of manufactured silver nanomaterials in textiles


Silver is among the most highly commercialized manufactured nanomaterials and is increasingly being used in textiles because of its antimicrobial properties. Unfortunately, little guidance exists on the appropriateness of analytical methods for detection and characterization of silver nanomaterials in textile matrices (clothing, medical dressings, etc.). The scope of this proposed work item is to develop a guide on available methods, their principles of operation, and advantages and limitations for detection and characterization of silver nanomaterials in textiles. Manufactured silver nanomaterials are being used in textiles, cosmetics, food packaging, etc. Among these applications of silver, textiles are probably the most commercialized. This proposed Work Item will provide a standard Guide, defined by ASTM as an organized collection of information or series of options that does not recommend a specific course of action that will be useful to producers and users of silver nanomaterials for product quality control and/or stewardship purposes and for policy makers.

Keywords:Silver; Nanomaterials; Detection; Characterization
Type of Document:a. Standard
Issues Areas:Measurement and Characterizations
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Submitter's Name:Kate McClung
Submitter's e-mail:[email protected]
Submitter's Company:ASTM International
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