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Selected Document Category:Published Document
Source:International Organization for Standardization
Anticipated Publication Year:
Publication Year:2010
Identifier:TR 11360
Document Title:Nanotechnologies — Methodology for the classification and categorization of nanomaterials

This Technical Report describes a classifying system, termed a “nano-tree”, upon whose basis wide ranges of
nanomaterials can be categorized, including nano-objects, nanostructures and nanocomposites of various
dimensionality of different physical, chemical, magnetic and biological properties.

However, the classifying system presented in this Technical Report does not claim to provide full coverage of
the whole range of nanomaterials.

Keywords:nano-tree; classification system
Type of Document:a. Standard
Issues Areas:Terminology and Nomenclature
Primary Category:
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Submitter's Name:Brian Haydon
Submitter's e-mail:[email protected]
Submitter's Company:CSA Group
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