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Selected Document Category:Document Awaiting to be Published
Source:International Electrotechnical Commission
Anticipated Publication Year:2015
Publication Year:
Identifier:IEC 62565-3-1
Document Title:Nanomanufacturing - Material specifications - Part 3-1: Graphene - Blank detail specification

This standard establishes a blank detail specification for essential electrical and certain other characteristics including optical, dimensional, and mechanical properties of graphene relevant for the functionality, durability and reliability of the final nano-enabled product(s). It provides a standardized format for detail specifications characterizing essential basic properties of graphene and recommends measurement methods. Graphene with a chemical modification, dispersed into a solvent, or grown on a substrate are included.
Properties and characteristics not of relevance for a specific application may be classified as not applicable or not specified.

Keywords:Graphene; multilayer graphene; single layer graphene; flake;
Type of Document:a. Standard
Issues Areas:Terminology and Nomenclature
Measurement and Characterizations
Material Specifications
Product Specifications
Primary Category:Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency
Additional Categories
Goal or Need:
Intended Stakeholders:
Is it Being Implemented:
Submitter's Name:Mike Leibowitz
Submitter's e-mail:[email protected]
Submitter's Company:NEMA
Additional Comments:
Contact for Additional Info:mike.leibowitz at nema.org
