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Selected Document Category:Published Document
Source:International Organization for Standardization
Anticipated Publication Year:2021
Publication Year:2021
Identifier:TS 23650
Document Title:Nanotechnologies — Evaluation of the antimicrobial performance of textiles containing manufactured nanomaterials

This TS specifies the antimicrobial performance assessment method of textiles containing manufactured nanomaterials (TCMNMs) (metals/metal oxides). The textiles in this document include fabric, yarn and fibre in which manufactured nanomaterials are used during production or finishing process. Further, it
also specifies protocols to determine the amount of nanomaterials released from textile following washing and/or exposure to artificial human body sweat.

This TS does not cover those textiles that have therapeutic application as well as environment, health and safety (EHS) issues related to TCMNMs. The user of this document shall refer to the relevant published documents regarding EHS issues. Further, it does not cover the release of nanomaterials from TCMNMs
as a result of aging, dry attrition and abrasion, although it is considered as an effective factor in releasing nanomaterials.

Keywords:textiles; performance; nanomaterials; antimicrobial
Type of Document:a. Standard
Issues Areas:Performance Methods
Primary Category:Textiles
Additional Categories
Goal or Need:The rapid and continued growth of textiles containing manufactured nanomaterials is increasing the need to develop international standards specific for nanotechnologies in textile manufacturing and testing processes guidelines for sustainable manufacturing, commercialization and use of these products.
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Submitter's Name:Heather Benko
Submitter's e-mail:[email protected]
Submitter's Company:ANSI
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