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Selected Document Category:Published Document
Source:International Electrotechnical Commission
Anticipated Publication Year:2014
Publication Year:2014
Document Title:Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 3-1: Luminescent nanomaterials - Quantum efficiency
Scope:Specifies the procedures to be followed and precautions observed when performing reproducible measurements of the quantum efficiency of luminescent nanomaterials; applicable to luminescent nanomaterials including nano-objects such as quantum dots, nanophosphors, nanoparticles, nanofibers, nanocrystals, nanoplates, and structures containing these materials; dispersed in either a liquid state (e.g., colloidal dispersion of quantum dots) or solid-state (e.g., nanofibers containing luminescent nanoparticles); covers both relative measurements of liquid state luminescent nanomaterials and absolute measurements of both solid and liquid state nanomaterials.
Keywords:Quantum efficiency, quantum dots, nanoparticles, nanophosphors, nanocrystals
Type of Document:a. Standard
Issues Areas:Measurement and Characterizations
Primary Category:Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency
Additional Categories
Goal or Need:This standard codifies for the first time, a test method for establishing absolute quantum efficiency for both solid (e.g., luminescent nanoparticles embedded in polymer matrices, coated on glass optics, applied directly to light emitted diodes, and other form factors) and solution samples (e.g., colloidal suspensions of luminescent nanoparticles), enabling suppliers and purchasers to compare the performance of one material to another, both in their raw (solution) phase as well as their technologically relevant (solid) phase of matter
Intended Stakeholders:End use product manufacturers in the lighting, electronics (touch screens), renewable energy and medical imaging industries, and medical professionals who employ luminescent nanomaterial-based bio-markers for medical diagnosis.
Is it Being Implemented:IEC 62607-3-1 is an international standard that can be implemented at a national level if desired.
Submitter's Name:Mike Leibowitz
Submitter's e-mail:[email protected]
Submitter's Company:NEMA
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