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Selected Document Category:Published Document
Source:Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials
Anticipated Publication Year:
Publication Year:2007
Document Title:Safety of manufactured nanomaterials - Publications in the Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials
Scope:The OECD WPMN has published many documents pertaining to the safety of manufactured nanomaterials. This document is a webpage where these documents may be found.
Keywords:OECD, WPMN
Type of Document:c. Guideline
Issues Areas:Measurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Primary Category:Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals
Additional Categories General Industry/Manufacturing; Food e.g. Preserving/Specialty food manufacturing; Personal care
Goal or Need:Provide access to OECD WPMN documents pertaining to nanosafety
Intended Stakeholders:
Is it Being Implemented:
Submitter's Name:Shaun Clancy
Submitter's e-mail:[email protected]
Submitter's Company:Evonik
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