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Selected Document Category:Document Awaiting to be Published
Source:International Organization for Standardization
Anticipated Publication Year:2023
Publication Year:
Identifier:TS 22298
Document Title:Nanotechnologies — Silica nanomaterials — Specifications of characteristics and measurement methods for nanostructured porous silica samples with ordered nanopore array
Scope:This document specifies characteristics to be measured and their measurement methods of silica samples with ordered nanopore array in powder form. The pore sizes of a sample range from subnanometers to several tens of nanometers. This document excludes silica-gel and fumed silica from a viewpoint of their distinct properties and applications
Type of Document:a. Standard
Issues Areas:Material Specifications
Primary Category:Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals
Additional Categories
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Submitter's Name:Heather Benko
Submitter's e-mail:[email protected]
Submitter's Company:ANSI
Additional Comments:This document is under development in ISO/TC 229 WG 4
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