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Selected Document Category:Published Document
Source:ASTM International Technical Committee E56
Anticipated Publication Year:
Publication Year:2012
Document Title:Standard Guide for Measurement of Electrophoretic Mobility and Zeta Potential of Nanosized Biological Materials
Scope:This guide deals with the measurement of mobility and zeta potential in systems containing biological material such as proteins, DNA, liposomes and other similar organic materials that possess particle sizes in the nanometer scale (<100 nm).
Keywords:electrophoretic mobility; isoelectric point; zeta potential; zwitterion; nano-bio materials
Type of Document:a. Standard
Issues Areas:Measurement and Characterizations
Primary Category:
Additional Categories
Goal or Need:The magnitude of zeta potential of a system in aqueous media is often an indicator of formulation stability or a means to understanding protein charge of the system and this is the usual reason for measurement.
Intended Stakeholders:Researchers, developers, manufacturers, and users of nanoscale biological materials. Stakeholders from industry, government agencies, including regulatory agencies, and academia.
Is it Being Implemented:
Submitter's Name:Debra Kaiser
Submitter's e-mail:[email protected]
Submitter's Company:NIST
Additional Comments:
Contact for Additional Info:Alan Rawle; alan.rawle at malvern.com
