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Items found: 188
Record #Source (e.g. developer/organization)Acronym (e.g. ISO, IEC)Identifier (e.g. document designation number)Title of documentScope/descriptionKeywordsType of Document Issue area(s) this applies toPrimary category that this applies toIntended stakeholdersLastModif
179International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62844Guidelines for quality and risk assessment for nano-enabled electrotechnical productsProvides a recommended methodology for identifying relevant parameters of nanomaterials as well...nanotechnology, risk assessment, environment, health, safetyb. Best PracticeHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentComputers and electronicsNanomaterial suppliers2017-01-27
28Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured NanomaterialsOECD-WPMNENV/JM/MONO(2010)47Compilation and Comparison of Guidelines Related to Exposure to Nanomaterials in LaboratoriesThe toxicological assessment of nanomaterials risks has not been completed comprehensively and/or...OECD, WPMN, laboratory, exposurec. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicalsPrimarily those who work in labs.2014-02-28
32U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNIOSHDHHS (NIOSH) 2013-145Current Intelligence Bulletin 65: Occupational Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes and NanofibersThis NIOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin, (1) reviews the animal and other toxicological data...carbon nanotubes, nanofibers, occupational safetyc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/ManufacturingAcademia, industry, organized labor, public health agencies, and public interest groups, as well...2014-02-28
39U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNIOSHDHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2011-160Current Intelligence Bulletin 63: Occupational Exposure to Titanium DioxideThis NIOSH CIB (1) reviews the animal and human data relevant to assessing the carcinogenicity...nanoscale titania, occupational safety and healthc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/Manufacturingacademia, industry, organized labor, public health agencies, and public interest groups as well...2014-02-28
27Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured NanomaterialsOECD-WPMNENV/JM/MONO(2012)8Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured NanomaterialsThis document, Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials, provides the...OECD, WPMN, regulatory, risk assessmentc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicalsRisk assessors and risk managers are a primary audience. There may be general interest in the...2014-02-28
26Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured NanomaterialsOECD-WPMNENV/JM/MONO(2012)40Guidance on Sample Preparation and Dosimetry for the Safety Testing of Manufactured NanomaterialsThe unique properties of manufactured nanomaterials have raised the question as to whether the...OECD, WPMN, preparation, dosimetry, characterization, media, regulatoryc. GuidelineMeasurement and CharacterizationsChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicalsThe primary audience are those preparing and reviewing materials used in testing for regulatory...2014-02-28
24U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNIOSHDHHS (NIOSH) 2012-147General Safe Practices for Working with Engineered Nanomaterials in Research LaboratoriesThis document contains recommendations on engineering controls and safe practices for handling...nanomaterials, laboratory, occupational safetyc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and Environmentresearch community2014-02-28
23U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNIOSHDHHS (NIOSH) 2009-125Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology: Managing the Health and Safety Concerns Associated with Engineered NanomaterialsThis document reviews what is currently known about nanoparticle toxicity, process emissions and...nanomaterials, occupational safety and healthc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/Manufacturingindustry, labor and academia2014-02-28
20Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured NanomaterialsOECD-WPMN00000Safety of manufactured nanomaterials - Publications in the Series on the Safety of Manufactured NanomaterialsThe OECD WPMN has published many documents pertaining to the safety of manufactured...OECD, WPMNc. GuidelineMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-02-28
40ASTM InternationalASTME2456Standard Terminology Relating to Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is an emerging field; this standard defines the novel terminology developed for...terminologyc. GuidelineTerminology and Nomenclature2014-02-28
41ASTM InternationalASTME2490Standard Guide for Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanomaterials in Suspension by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS)This guide deals with the measurement of particle size distribution of suspended particles, which...DLS; dynamic light scattering; PCS; photon correlation spectroscopy; nano; QELS; quasi-elastic lightc. GuidelineMeasurement and Characterizations2014-02-28
52CSA GroupCSACAN/CSA-ISO/TR 13121:13Nanotechnologies - Nanomaterial risk evaluationThis is the first edition of CAN/CSA-ISO/TR 13121, Nanotechnologies - Nanomaterial risk...nanotechnology, nanomaterials, risk, risk managementc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/Manufacturing2014-02-28
178International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TR 82834IEC nanoelectronics standardization roadmapdescribes the "IEC nanoelectronics standardization roadmap". It intends to establish a common...nanoelectronics; roadmap; nano-electrotechnology; nanoscale; nanofabricationd. Reference MaterialMeasurement and CharacterizationsComputers and electronics2017-01-27