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Selected Document Category:Document Awaiting to be Published
Source:International Electrotechnical Commission
Anticipated Publication Year:2018
Publication Year:
Identifier:IEC TS 62876-2-1
Document Title:Nanotechnology - Reliability assessment - Part 2.1: Nano-enabled photovoltaic - Stability test
Scope:Establishes a general stability testing program to verify the stability of the performance of nanomaterials and nano-enabled photovoltaic devices (NePV) devices, used as sub-assemblies for the fabrication of photovoltaic modules through a combination with other components.
Type of Document:e. Specification
Issues Areas:Measurement and Characterizations
Primary Category:Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency
Additional Categories
Goal or Need:To specify the requirements for a general stability assessment standard (SAS) for NePV intended to be used in but not limited to outdoor environments; To give direction to developers and engineers developing NePV devices, to guide test laboratories on testing, and to allow for a quantitative stability comparison between different technologies. It is not intended that the requirements specified in this standards are to be used for device-type approval or certification.
Intended Stakeholders:
Is it Being Implemented:
Submitter's Name:Mike Leibowitz
Submitter's e-mail:[email protected]
Submitter's Company:NEMA
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