
Published Documents Documents Under Development Government Documents

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Items found: 203
Record #Source (e.g. developer/organization)Acronym (e.g. ISO, IEC)Identifier (e.g. document designation number)Title of document Scope/descriptionKeywordsType of DocumentIssue area(s) this applies toPrimary category that this applies toIntended stakeholdersLastModif
78International Organization for StandardizationISOISO/TS 10798:2011 ISO/TS 10798:2011 - Nanotechnologies -- Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry analysisThis Technical Specification establishes methods to characterize the morphology, and to identify...single-wall carbon nanotubes; SWCNT, SEM/EdXA, multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWCNTa. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2014-06-10
59International Organization for StandardizationISO19601Aerosol generation for NOAA (Nano-objects, and their aggregates and agglomerates) air exposure studies This technical report reviews the practice of aerosolization of NOAA (nano-objects and their...Nano-objects, and their aggregated and agglomerates greater than 100 nm (NOAA), in vivo, in vitro, ta. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2017-08-29
91National Institute of Standards and Technology-Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNIST-NCLPCC-10Analysis of Gold Nanoparticles by Electrospray Differential Mobility Analysis (ES-DMA) This document describes a protocol for size analysis of citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles...e. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-08
107Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLITA-1 Analysis of Hemolytic Properties of Nanoparticles The hemolytic potential of all intravenously administered pharmaceuticals must be evaluated....in vivo, hemolytic potential, nanoparticles2014-07-10
108Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLITA-1 Analysis of Hemolytic Properties of Nanoparticles The hemolytic potential of all intravenously administered pharmaceuticals must be evaluated....in vivo, hemolytic potential, nanoparticles2014-07-10
120Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLITA-14 Analysis of Nanoparticle Effect s on Maturation of Monocyte Derived Dendritic Cells In Vitro Dendritic cells (DC) are antigen-presenting cells. They play an important role in initiation and...dendritic cells, cytotoxicitye. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
109Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLITA-2Analysis of Platelet AggregationThis document describes a procedure for analysis of platelet aggregation (1-6). Platelets are...thrombocyte, megakaryocyte, Plateletse. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-10
23U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNIOSHDHHS (NIOSH) 2009-125Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology: Managing the Health and Safety Concerns Associated with Engineered NanomaterialsThis document reviews what is currently known about nanoparticle toxicity, process emissions and...nanomaterials, occupational safety and healthc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/Manufacturingindustry, labor and academia2014-02-28
130Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-11Autophagic Dysfunction Assay: Qualitative Analysis of MAP LC3 - I to LC3 - II C onversion by Western BlotLysosomal dysfunction is recognized as a potential toxic mechanism for xenobiotics that can...xenobiotics, lysosomal pathologies, phospholipasee. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
131Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-12Autophagic Dysfunction in LLC-PK1 CellsLysosomal dysfunction is recognized as a potential toxic mechanism for xenobiotics that can...lysosomes, phospholipasee. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
105Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLCell BindingCell Binding/Internalization NCL has methods to asses targe ting by measuring the inhibition coefficient (Ki) and binding...Cell Bindinge. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-10
58International Organization for StandardizationISOISO/DTS 19337Characterization of nano-objects, and their aggregates and agglomerates, suspended in media for in vitro assaysThis Technical Specification describes essential characteristics and applicable measurement...Nano-objects, and their aggregates and agglomerates greater than 100 nm (NOAA), in vitro assays, nana. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2016-04-01
117Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLITA-8Chemotaxis AssayThis document provides a protocol for rapid, quantitative measure of the chemoattractant capacity...chemokines, chemoattractant capacity, prostaglandins, cytokinese. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
38International Organization for StandardizationISOISO/DIS 14644-12Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments — Part 12: Classification of air cleanliness by nanoscale particle concentrationThis Draft International Standard covers the classification of air cleanliness by particles (ACP)...nanoscale particles, nano cleanroom, ACPa. Standard Measurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyThose involved with compliance and testing of nanoscale particle cleanliness of air in a...2014-02-28
113Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLITA-12Coagulation AssaysThis document describes a protocol for assessing the effect a nanoparticle formulation may have...APTT, TT, Coagulatione. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
28Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured NanomaterialsOECD-WPMNENV/JM/MONO(2010)47Compilation and Comparison of Guidelines Related to Exposure to Nanomaterials in LaboratoriesThe toxicological assessment of nanomaterials risks has not been completed comprehensively and/or...OECD, WPMN, laboratory, exposurec. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicalsPrimarily those who work in labs.2014-02-28
39U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNIOSHDHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2011-160Current Intelligence Bulletin 63: Occupational Exposure to Titanium DioxideThis NIOSH CIB (1) reviews the animal and human data relevant to assessing the carcinogenicity...nanoscale titania, occupational safety and healthc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/Manufacturingacademia, industry, organized labor, public health agencies, and public interest groups as well...2014-02-28
32U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNIOSHDHHS (NIOSH) 2013-145Current Intelligence Bulletin 65: Occupational Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes and NanofibersThis NIOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin, (1) reviews the animal and other toxicological data...carbon nanotubes, nanofibers, occupational safetyc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/ManufacturingAcademia, industry, organized labor, public health agencies, and public interest groups, as well...2014-02-28
100Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLSTE-1.1Detection and Quantification of Gr am Negative Bacterial Endotoxin Contamination in Nanopart icle Formulations by End Point Chromogenic LAL Assay This document describes a protocol for a quantitative detection of Gram negative bacterial...endotoxin,LAL, QCL-1000e. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-10
102Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLSTE - 1.3Detection and Quantification of Gr am Negative Bacterial Endotoxin Contamination in Nanopart icle Formulations by Gel-Clot LAL Assay This document discusses the quantitative detection of Gram negative bacterial endotoxin in...BacterialEndotoxin, LALe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-10
101Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLSTE - 1.2Detection and Quantification of Gr am Negative Bacterial Endotoxin Contamination in Nanopart icle Formulations by Kinetic Turbidity LAL Assay This document describes a protocol for a quantitative detection of Gram negative bacterial...Bacterial Endotoxin, LALe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-10
135International Organization for StandardizationISO19590Detection and sizing of nanoparticles in aqueous media via single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)This ISO TS specifies a test method for the detection and characterisation of nanoparticles in...nanoparticles, aqeuous solutions, ICP-MS, particle concentrationa. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2017-06-15
103Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLSTE-2Detection of Microbial ContaminationThe intended purpose of this assay is to avoid introduction of microbial contamination into in...in vitro, in vivo, nanomateriale. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-10
104Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLSTE-3Detection of MycoplasmaNanoparticles submitted to the NCL may be subjected to testing for mycoplasma when deemed...hybridoma, mycoplasmae. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-10
116National Institute of Standards and Technology-Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLITA-7Detection of Nitric Oxide Producti on by the Macrophage Cell Line RAW264.7 This document describes a protocol for quantitative determination of nitrite (NO2-) a stable...cytotoxicity, nitricoxide, NO 2, NO 3e. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16