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Items found: 203
Record #Source (e.g. developer/organization)Acronym (e.g. ISO, IEC)Identifier (e.g. document designation number)Title of document Scope/descriptionKeywordsType of DocumentIssue area(s) this applies toPrimary category that this applies toIntended stakeholdersLastModif
80International Organization for StandardizationISOISO/TS 13278:2011 Nanotechnologies – Determination of metal impurities in samples of carbon nanotubes using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryThis Technical Specification provides methods for the determination of residual elements other...carbon nanotubes; CNT; single-wall carbon nanotubes; SWCNT; multiwall carbon nanotubes; MWCNT; ICP-a. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2014-06-10
195International Organization for Standardization ISO TS 21357Nanotechnologies – Evaluation of the mean size of nano-objects in liquid dispersions by static multiple light scattering (SMLS)This Technical Specification provides guidance for the determination of the mean size of...nano-objects, light scattering, dispersionsa. Standard 2022-01-14
204International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 24672Nanotechnologies – Guidance on the measurement of nanoparticle number concentrationThis document provides an overview of the methods used to determine the nanoparticle number...nanoparticle, dispersions, measurement techniquesa. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2025-02-11
53International Organization for StandardizationISO12901-2Nanotechnologies – Occupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterials – Part 2: Use of the control banding approachSO/TS 12901-2:2014 describes the use of a control banding approach for controlling the risks...nano-objects, and their agglomerates and aggregates greater than 100 nanometers, NOAA, control bandia. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-06-12
209International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 4971Nanotechnologies – Performance evaluation of nanosuspensions containing clay nanoplates for quorum QuenchingThis document specifies the performance evaluation of nanosuspension containing clay nanoplates...a. Standard Performance MethodsFood e.g. Preserving/Specialty food manufacturingAgriculture industry, academia, non-governmental organizations2025-02-11
138International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 80004-2Nanotechnologies – Vocabulary – Part 2: Nano-objectsThis Technical Specification lists terms and definitions related to particles in the field of...nano-objects, nanoparticle, nanofibre, nanoplate, nanoscale,a. Standard Terminology and Nomenclature2021-09-03
196International Organization for Standardization ISO TS 22292 Nanotechnologies — 3D image reconstruction of rod-supported nano-objects using transmission electron microscopyThis document provides guidance for sample preparation, data acquisition by transmission electron...nano-objects, samples, TEM, size, shapea. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsWater Systems and Treatment2021-08-12
149International Organization for StandardizationISO21237Nanotechnologies — Air filter media containing polymeric nanofibres — Specification of characteristics and measurement methodsThis document specifies the characteristics to be measured of air filter media containing...nano-fibres, filtrationa. Standard Material Specifications2021-08-12
146International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 20787Nanotechnologies — Aquatic Toxicity Assessment of Nanomaterials using Artemia Sp.This technical specification is to describe an acute toxicity test method to assess effects of...Toxicity testing; nanomaterials; artemiaa. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentWith this proposed document, manufacturers of nanomaterials can provide appropriate safety...2018-01-09
197International Organization for StandardizationISO5094Nanotechnologies — Assessment of peroxidase-like activity of metal and metal oxide nanoparticlesThis document specifies a method for assessing the peroxidase-like activity of metal and metal...a. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2025-02-11
198International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 4988Nanotechnologies — Bioavailability assessment of manufactured nanomaterials in an aquatic environment using Tetrahymena spThis technical specification provides a reliable and repeatable method for simultaneous...ecotoxicity, nanoparticles, nanofibersa. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2022-07-27
150International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 19808Nanotechnologies — Carbon nanotube suspensions — Specification of characteristics and measurement methodsThis document specifies the characteristics to be measured of suspensions containing multi-walled...Carbon nanotube, CNT, nanosuspension, characterizationa. Standard Material Specifications2021-08-12
22International Organization for StandardizationISO10808Nanotechnologies — Characterization of nanoparticles in inhalation exposure chambers for inhalation toxicity testingThis International Standard specifies requirements for, and gives guidance on, the...Exposure, nanoparticles, toxicity, metalsa. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2014-02-28
148International Organization for StandardizationISO21236-1Nanotechnologies — Clay nanomaterials — Part 1: Specification of characteristics and measurement methods for layered clay nanomaterialsThis document specifies characteristics to be measured of layered clay nanomaterials in powder...clay nanomaterials, nanostructured materials, physical, chemical propertiesa. Standard Material Specifications2021-08-12
5International Organization for StandardizationISOTR 16197Nanotechnologies — Compilation and description of toxicological screening methods for manufactured nanomaterialsThis Technical Report provides a compilation and description of in vitro and in vivo methods that...Toxicology, screening, testing, manufactured nanomaterialsa. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2014-05-13
164International Organization for StandardizationISOTR 21624Nanotechnologies — Considerations for in vitro studies of airborne nano‐objects and their aggregates and agglomerates (NOAA)This document collates information regarding the systems available for exposure and assessment of...NOAAs, in vitro studies, inhalation toxicitya. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2021-08-12
68International Organization for StandardizationISOTR 14786Nanotechnologies — Considerations for the development of chemical nomenclature for selected nano-objectsThis Technical Report is intended to provide information and analyses in support of the...a. Standard Terminology and NomenclatureChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicalsdevelopers of nomenclature systems; academia, industry, government, non-government organizations2014-05-16
214International Organization for StandardizationISO23361Nanotechnologies — Crystallinity of cellulose nanomaterials by powder X-ray diffraction (Ruland-Rietveld analysis)To be updated.a. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsGeneral Industry/Manufacturing2025-02-11
7International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 16550Nanotechnologies — Determination of silver nanoparticles potency by release of muramic acid from Staphylococcus aureusThis Technical Specification provides a test method for evaluating potency of silver...Muramic acid; silver nanoparticlesa. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2014-05-13
31International Organization for StandardizationISO29701Nanotechnologies — Endotoxin test on nanomaterial samples for in vitro systems — Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) testThis International Standard describes the application of a test using Limulus amebocyte lysate...a. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/Manufacturing2014-02-28
201International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 23650Nanotechnologies — Evaluation of the antimicrobial performance of textiles containing manufactured nanomaterialsThis TS specifies the antimicrobial performance assessment method of textiles containing...textiles; performance; nanomaterials; antimicrobiala. Standard Performance MethodsTextiles2022-01-14
51CSA GroupCSAZ12885Nanotechnologies — Exposure control program for engineered nanomaterials in occupational settings This is the first edition of CSA Z12885, Nanotechnologies — Exposure control program for...nanotechnologies, nanomaterials, workplace safety, engineereed nanomaterials, exposure control, occua. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/ManufacturingThis Standard focuses on the manufacture and use of engineered nanomaterials in workplaces... The...2014-02-28
192International Organization for Standardization ISO TS 23302Nanotechnologies — Guidance on measurands for characterising nano-objects and materials that contain themThis document specifies requirements and recommendations for the identification of measurands to...NOAA, measurement techniques, physico-chemical propertiesa. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2025-02-11
29International Organization for StandardizationISOISO/TR 13014Nanotechnologies — Guidance on physico-chemical characterization of engineered nanoscale materials for toxicologic assessmentThis Technical Report provides guidance for the physico-chemical characterization of manufactured...nano-objects, agglomerates, aggregates, parameters, toxicology, assessmenta. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicalsToxicologists, regulators, health and safety professionals2014-02-28
210International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 4958Nanotechnologies — Liposomes terminologyThis part of ISO/TS 80004 lists terms and definitions related to liposomes in the field of...liposomes, terminologya. Standard Terminology and NomenclatureRegulators, pharmaceutical companies, personal care companies2025-02-11