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Items found: 188
Record # | Source (e.g. developer/organization) | Acronym (e.g. ISO, IEC) | Identifier (e.g. document designation number) | Title of document | Scope/description | Keywords | Type of Document | Issue area(s) this applies to | Primary category that this applies to | Intended stakeholders | LastModif |
144 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TR 20489 | Nanotechnologies — Sample preparation for the characterization of metal and metal-oxide nano-objects in water samples | This document provides an overview of approaches of sample preparation (i.e. pre-treatment and... | sample preparation; metal; metal oxides; nano-objects; water | a. Standard | Measurement and Characterizations | 2021-08-12 | ||
146 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TS 20787 | Nanotechnologies — Aquatic Toxicity Assessment of Nanomaterials using Artemia Sp. | This technical specification is to describe an acute toxicity test method to assess effects of... | Toxicity testing; nanomaterials; artemia | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | With this proposed document, manufacturers of nanomaterials can provide appropriate safety... | 2018-01-09 | |
148 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 21236-1 | Nanotechnologies — Clay nanomaterials — Part 1: Specification of characteristics and measurement methods for layered clay nanomaterials | This document specifies characteristics to be measured of layered clay nanomaterials in powder... | clay nanomaterials, nanostructured materials, physical, chemical properties | a. Standard | Material Specifications | 2021-08-12 | ||
149 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 21237 | Nanotechnologies — Air filter media containing polymeric nanofibres — Specification of characteristics and measurement methods | This document specifies the characteristics to be measured of air filter media containing... | nano-fibres, filtration | a. Standard | Material Specifications | 2021-08-12 | ||
150 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TS 19808 | Nanotechnologies — Carbon nanotube suspensions — Specification of characteristics and measurement methods | This document specifies the characteristics to be measured of suspensions containing multi-walled... | Carbon nanotube, CNT, nanosuspension, characterization | a. Standard | Material Specifications | 2021-08-12 | ||
151 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TR 21386 | Nanotechnologies -- Considerations for the measurement of nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates (NOAA) in environmental matrices | This document provides some considerations for the collection of environmental samples to be... | Nano-objects, environmental media, air, sediment, water, sampling, NOAA, | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2019-06-14 | ||
162 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TR 22019 | Nanotechnologies - Considerations For Performing Toxicokinetic Studies With Nanomaterials | This document describes the background and principles for toxicokinetic studies relevant for... | nanomaterials, toxicology, risk assessment, toxicokinetics, OECD | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2019-06-14 | ||
163 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TS 21633 | Label-free impedance technology to assess the toxicity of nanomaterials in vitro | This document describes a methodology of a label free and real-time detection for non-invasive... | nanomaterial, nm, toxicity, RCTA, in vitro testing | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2021-08-12 | ||
188 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TR 22293 | Evaluation of methods for assessing the release of nanomaterials from commercial, nanomaterial containing polymer composites | This technical report reviews and evaluates the utility of available methods to assess material... | manufactured nanomaterial; release, ecotoxicity, composites | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2021-08-12 | ||
191 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TS 23034 | Nanotechnologies — Method to estimate cellular uptake of carbon nanomaterials using optical absorption | This document describes a near-infrared optical absorption method to estimate the in vitro... | carbon nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes, cellular uptake, EHS | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2021-08-12 | ||
195 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TS 21357 | Nanotechnologies – Evaluation of the mean size of nano-objects in liquid dispersions by static multiple light scattering (SMLS) | This Technical Specification provides guidance for the determination of the mean size of... | nano-objects, light scattering, dispersions | a. Standard | 2022-01-14 | |||
198 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TS 4988 | Nanotechnologies — Bioavailability assessment of manufactured nanomaterials in an aquatic environment using Tetrahymena sp | This technical specification provides a reliable and repeatable method for simultaneous... | ecotoxicity, nanoparticles, nanofibers | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2022-07-27 | ||
200 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 21363 | Nanotechnologies — Measurements of particle size and shape distributions by transmission electron microscopy | This document specifies how to capture, measure and analyse transmission electron microscopy... | particle size, shape, nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, gold nanoparticles, titania | a. Standard | Measurement and Characterizations | 2021-08-17 |