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Items found: 188
Record # | Source (e.g. developer/organization) | Acronym (e.g. ISO, IEC) | Identifier (e.g. document designation number) | Title of document | Scope/description | Keywords | Type of Document | Issue area(s) this applies to | Primary category that this applies to | Intended stakeholders | LastModif |
2 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 18827 | ESR as a method for measuring ROS generated by metal oxide nanomaterials | This technical specification will provide guidelines for the toxicity of ZnO nanomaterials in... | Electronic spin resonance; ESR; Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS); spin-trap agents | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | NA | 2017-06-15 | |
54 | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC | IEC 62632 | Nanoscale electrical contacts and interconnects | IEC/TR 62632:2013(E) is a Technical Report that describes a variety of nanoscale contacts and... | nanoscale; contacts; interconnects; graphene; fabrication; process; characterization; | b. Best Practice | Measurement and Characterizations Material Specifications Performance Methods Product Specifications | Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency | Manufacturers of nano-enabled electrotechnical products | 2014-03-07 |
23 | U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | NIOSH | DHHS (NIOSH) 2009-125 | Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology: Managing the Health and Safety Concerns Associated with Engineered Nanomaterials | This document reviews what is currently known about nanoparticle toxicity, process emissions and... | nanomaterials, occupational safety and health | c. Guideline | Health, Safety, and Environment | General Industry/Manufacturing | industry, labor and academia | 2014-02-28 |
66 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TS 80004-7 | Nanotechnologies — Vocabulary — Part 7: Diagnostics and therapeutics for healthcare | This part of ISO/TS 80004 is applicable to the use of nanotechnologies in medical diagnostics and... | nanointervention; nanopore sensor; nanocarrier; nanocapsule; nanoscale imaging agent | a. Standard | Terminology and Nomenclature | Healthcare professionals; manufacturers; consumers; technologists; patent agents; regulators;... | 2021-09-03 | |
174 | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC | IEC TS 62607-6-4 | Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 6-4: Graphene - Surface conductance measurement using resonant cavity | establishes a method for determining the surface conductance of two-dimensional (2D) single-layer... | graphene; surface conductance; nano-carbon; chemical vapor deposition; CVD; resonant cavity; resonan | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations | Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency | Graphene suppliers, graphene end users; researchers | 2017-01-26 |
37 | Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology | IEST | IEST-RP-NANO200 | Planning of Nanoscale Science and Technology Facilities: Guidelines for Design, Construction, and Start-up | This Recommended Practice is an overview of factors involved in the design, start-up, and... | nanotechnology facilities, nano laboratories, nano research centers | b. Best Practice | Health, Safety, and Environment | Facility owners, designers, construction team, users/researchers, and equipment providers | 2014-02-28 | |
172 | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC | IEC TS 62607-4-5 | Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-5: Cathode nanomaterials for nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Electrochemical characterization, 3-electrode cell method | provides a standardized method for the determination of electrochemical properties of cathode... | nanomanufacturing; energy storage; cathode; cathode nanomaterials; lithium; lithium iron phosphate | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Performance Methods | Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency | energy storage-related nanomaterial suppliers; energy storage device manufacturers | 2017-01-26 |
168 | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC | IEC TS 62607-4-1 | Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-1: Cathode nanomaterials for nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Electrochemical characterisation, 2-electrode cell method | provides a standardized method for the determination of electrochemical properties of cathode... | cathode, lithium, lithium iron, lithium iron phosphate, nanomaterial, energy storage, electrochemica | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Performance Methods | Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency | Energy storage device suppliers; producers of energy storage devices that incorporate... | 2017-01-18 |
3 | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC | 62607-3-1 | Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 3-1: Luminescent nanomaterials - Quantum efficiency | Specifies the procedures to be followed and precautions observed when performing reproducible... | Quantum efficiency, quantum dots, nanoparticles, nanophosphors, nanocrystals | a. Standard | Measurement and Characterizations | Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency | End use product manufacturers in the lighting, electronics (touch screens), renewable energy and... | 2017-01-18 |
68 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TR 14786 | Nanotechnologies — Considerations for the development of chemical nomenclature for selected nano-objects | This Technical Report is intended to provide information and analyses in support of the... | a. Standard | Terminology and Nomenclature | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | developers of nomenclature systems; academia, industry, government, non-government organizations | 2014-05-16 | |
177 | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC/IEEE | IEC 62624 | Test methods for measurement of electrical properties of carbon nanotubes | Provides methods for the electrical characterization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), independent of... | carbon nanotube; electrical characterization; high-impedance measurement; nanotechnology | a. Standard | Measurement and Characterizations | Computers and electronics | CNT suppliers; electronics and computer manufacturing | 2017-01-27 |
169 | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC | IEC TS 62607-4-2 | Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-2: Nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Physical characterization of cathode nanomaterials, density measurement | Provides a standardized method for the determination of the density of cathode nanomaterials in... | cathode; cathode nanomaterials, energy storage | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Performance Methods | Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency | cathode nanomaterial suppliers; nano-enabled energy storage device manufacturers | 2017-01-18 |
25 | International Electrotechnical Commisssion | IEC | 62607-2-1 | Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 2-1: Carbon nanotube materials - Film resistance | Provides a standardized method for categorizing a grade of commercial carbon nanotubes in terms... | film resistance, key control characteristics, nanotube, carbon nanotubes | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Performance Methods | Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency | Carbon nanotube suppliers; Producers of nano-electrotechnical enabled products or systems, e.g.... | 2014-02-28 |
18 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 19007 | Nanotechnologies - In Vitro MTS Assay For Measuring The Cytotoxic Effect Of Nanoparticles | ISO 19007:2018 specifies a method for evaluating the effects of nano-objects and their aggregates... | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | Biological testing laboratories. | 2019-06-14 | ||
32 | U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | NIOSH | DHHS (NIOSH) 2013-145 | Current Intelligence Bulletin 65: Occupational Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers | This NIOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin, (1) reviews the animal and other toxicological data... | carbon nanotubes, nanofibers, occupational safety | c. Guideline | Health, Safety, and Environment | General Industry/Manufacturing | Academia, industry, organized labor, public health agencies, and public interest groups, as well... | 2014-02-28 |
39 | U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | NIOSH | DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2011-160 | Current Intelligence Bulletin 63: Occupational Exposure to Titanium Dioxide | This NIOSH CIB (1) reviews the animal and human data relevant to assessing the carcinogenicity... | nanoscale titania, occupational safety and health | c. Guideline | Health, Safety, and Environment | General Industry/Manufacturing | academia, industry, organized labor, public health agencies, and public interest groups as well... | 2014-02-28 |
30 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TR 13329 | Nanomaterials — Preparation of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) | This Technical Report provides guidance on the development of content for, and consistency in,... | Manufactured nanomaterials, safety data sheet | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-02-28 | |
31 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 29701 | Nanotechnologies — Endotoxin test on nanomaterial samples for in vitro systems — Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test | This International Standard describes the application of a test using Limulus amebocyte lysate... | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | General Industry/Manufacturing | 2014-02-28 | ||
34 | ASTM International Technical Committee on Nanotechnology | ASTM E56 | ASTM E2909 - 13 | Standard Guide for Investigation/Study/Assay Tab-Delimited Format for Nanotechnologies (ISA-TAB-Nano): Standard File Format for the Submission and Exchange of Data on Nanomaterials and Characterizations | 1.1 This guide (ISA-TAB-Nano) specifies the format for representing and sharing information about... | data sharing; ISA-TAB-Nano; nanomedicine; nanotech | a. Standard | Terminology and Nomenclature | 2014-02-28 | ||
35 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 10801 | Nanotechnologies - Generation of metal nanoparticles for inhalation toxicity testing using the evaporation/condensation method | This International Standard gives requirements and recommendations for generating metal... | metal nanoparticles, inhalation toxicity testing, evaporation/condensation method | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-02-28 | |
36 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 14101 | Surface characterization of gold nanoparticles for nanomaterial specific toxicity screening: FT-IR method | This Technical Specification provides guidelines for the identification of the surface bound... | gold nanoparticles, cytotoxicity | a. Standard | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-02-28 | |
22 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 10808 | Nanotechnologies — Characterization of nanoparticles in inhalation exposure chambers for inhalation toxicity testing | This International Standard specifies requirements for, and gives guidance on, the... | Exposure, nanoparticles, toxicity, metals | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2014-02-28 | ||
21 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 12901-1 | Nanotechnologies — Occupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterials - Part 1: Principles and approaches | This part of ISO/TS 12901 provides guidance on occupational health and safety measures relating... | Nano-objects, agglomerates, aggregates, occupational health, safety, risk management | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2014-02-28 | ||
20 | Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials | OECD-WPMN | 00000 | Safety of manufactured nanomaterials - Publications in the Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials | The OECD WPMN has published many documents pertaining to the safety of manufactured... | OECD, WPMN | c. Guideline | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-02-28 | |
17 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TR 19057 | The use and suitability of In Vitro Tests and Methodologies to assess Nanomaterial Biodurability | This Technical Report (TR) will investigate the use and suitability of in vitro tests and... | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2018-01-09 |