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Items found: 188
Record #Source (e.g. developer/organization)Acronym (e.g. ISO, IEC)Identifier (e.g. document designation number) Title of documentScope/descriptionKeywordsType of DocumentIssue area(s) this applies toPrimary category that this applies toIntended stakeholdersLastModif
122Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-3Hep G2 Hepatocyte Glutathione AssayThis protocol describes the analysis of human hepatocarcinoma cells (Hep G2) for reduced and...glutathione, HepG2,e. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
123Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-4Hep G2 Hepatocyte Li pid Peroxidation Assay This protocol describes the analysis of human hepatocarcinoma cells (Hep G2) for lipid...Hep G2, MDAe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
127Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-5LLC-PK1 Kidney Cell Apoptosis AssayThis protocol describes the monitoring of nanoparticle treated porcine renal proximal tubule...LLC-PK1e. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
128Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-6HepG2 Hepatocarcinoma Apoptosis Assay This protocol describes the monitoring of nanoparticle treated human hepatocarcinoma cells...HepG2, caspase-3 activatione. SpecificationMeasurement and CharacterizationsChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
124Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-7Hepatocyte Primary ROS AssayThis protocol describes the testing of nanoparticle formulations for reactive oxygen species(ROS)...hepatocytes, SDe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
177International Electrotechnical CommissionIEC/IEEEIEC 62624Test methods for measurement of electrical properties of carbon nanotubesProvides methods for the electrical characterization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), independent of...carbon nanotube; electrical characterization; high-impedance measurement; nanotechnologya. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsComputers and electronicsCNT suppliers; electronics and computer manufacturing2017-01-27
54International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC 62632Nanoscale electrical contacts and interconnectsIEC/TR 62632:2013(E) is a Technical Report that describes a variety of nanoscale contacts and...nanoscale; contacts; interconnects; graphene; fabrication; process; characterization;b. Best PracticeMeasurement and Characterizations
Material Specifications
Performance Methods
Product Specifications
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyManufacturers of nano-enabled electrotechnical products2014-03-07
175International Electrotechnical CommissionIEC/IEEEIEC 62659Nanomanufacturing - Large scale manufacturing for nanoelectronicsProvides a framework for introducing nanoelectronics into large scale, high volume production in...nanoelectronics; large scale; high volume production; semiconductor; nanomaterials; carbon nanotubesa. Standard Performance MethodsComputers and electronics2017-01-26
180International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC 62860Test methods for the characterization of organic transistors and materialscovers recommended methods and standardized reporting practices for electrical characterization...electrical characterization FET flexible electronics high impedance nanocomposite nanotechnology OFEa. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsComputers and electronics2017-01-27
181International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC 62860-1Test methods for the characterization of organic transistor-based ring oscillatorscovers recommended methods and standardized reporting practices for electrical characterization...electrical characterization; high impedance; printing; organic transistor; printed electronics; ringa. Standard Measurement and CharacterizationsComputers and electronics2017-01-27
178International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TR 82834IEC nanoelectronics standardization roadmapdescribes the "IEC nanoelectronics standardization roadmap". It intends to establish a common...nanoelectronics; roadmap; nano-electrotechnology; nanoscale; nanofabricationd. Reference MaterialMeasurement and CharacterizationsComputers and electronics2017-01-27
167International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-3-2Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 3-2: Luminescent nanoparticles - Determination of mass of quantum dot dispersionSpecifies a method for determining the mass of a sample of QD dispersion after the removal of...quantum dot; QD; semiconductor; colloidal; dispersion; dispersability; ligands; TGA; solvent; impurie. SpecificationMeasurement and CharacterizationsEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencySuppliers and end users of quantum dots2017-01-18
168International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-4-1Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-1: Cathode nanomaterials for nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Electrochemical characterisation, 2-electrode cell methodprovides a standardized method for the determination of electrochemical properties of cathode...cathode, lithium, lithium iron, lithium iron phosphate, nanomaterial, energy storage, electrochemicae. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyEnergy storage device suppliers; producers of energy storage devices that incorporate...2017-01-18
169International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-4-2Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-2: Nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Physical characterization of cathode nanomaterials, density measurementProvides a standardized method for the determination of the density of cathode nanomaterials in...cathode; cathode nanomaterials, energy storagee. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencycathode nanomaterial suppliers; nano-enabled energy storage device manufacturers2017-01-18
170International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-4-3Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-3: Nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Contact and coating resistivity measurements for nanomaterialsProvides a standardized test method for the measurement of contact and coating resistivity of...nano-enabled; nano-enabled electrode; coating composite, energy storage; resistivity; measuremente. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyNanomaterial suppliers and end users; nanomaterial researchers2017-01-18
171International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-4-4Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-4: Nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Thermal characterization of nanomaterials, nail penetration methodProvides a measurement method for thermal runaway quality level test for nano-enabled energy...nano-enabled; energy storage; nail; nail penetration; thermal runaway; electrodee. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyNanomaterial suppliers; energy storage end product manufacturers and researchers2017-01-18
172International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-4-5Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 4-5: Cathode nanomaterials for nano-enabled electrical energy storage - Electrochemical characterization, 3-electrode cell methodprovides a standardized method for the determination of electrochemical properties of cathode...nanomanufacturing; energy storage; cathode; cathode nanomaterials; lithium; lithium iron phosphatee. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyenergy storage-related nanomaterial suppliers; energy storage device manufacturers2017-01-26
173International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-5-1Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 5-1: Thin-film organic/nano electronic devices - Carrier transport measurementsProvides a standardized sample structure for characterizing charge transport properties in...thin-flim; thin-film organic; nanomanufacturing; key control characteristics; carrier transport; nane. Specification2017-01-26
174International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-6-4Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 6-4: Graphene - Surface conductance measurement using resonant cavityestablishes a method for determining the surface conductance of two-dimensional (2D) single-layer...graphene; surface conductance; nano-carbon; chemical vapor deposition; CVD; resonant cavity; resonane. SpecificationMeasurement and CharacterizationsEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyGraphene suppliers, graphene end users; researchers2017-01-26
176International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62622Nanotechnologies - Description, measurement and dimensional quality parameters of artificial gratingsSpecifies the generic terminology for the global and local quality parameters of artificial...artificial gratings; dimensional qualityTerminology and Nomenclaturenanomaterial manufacturers, nanomaterial users; research2017-01-27
179International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62844Guidelines for quality and risk assessment for nano-enabled electrotechnical productsProvides a recommended methodology for identifying relevant parameters of nanomaterials as well...nanotechnology, risk assessment, environment, health, safetyb. Best PracticeHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentComputers and electronicsNanomaterial suppliers2017-01-27
166International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 80004-9Nanotechnologies - Vocabulary - Part 9: Nano-enabled electrotechnical products and systemsSpecifies terms and definitions for electrotechnical products and systems reliant on...vocabulary; terminology; electrotechnical vocabularye. SpecificationTerminology and NomenclatureEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyNano-electrotechnical industry and research2017-01-18
37Institute of Environmental Sciences and TechnologyIESTIEST-RP-NANO200Planning of Nanoscale Science and Technology Facilities: Guidelines for Design, Construction, and Start-upThis Recommended Practice is an overview of factors involved in the design, start-up, and...nanotechnology facilities, nano laboratories, nano research centersb. Best PracticeHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentFacility owners, designers, construction team, users/researchers, and equipment providers2014-02-28
38International Organization for StandardizationISOISO/DIS 14644-12Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments — Part 12: Classification of air cleanliness by nanoscale particle concentrationThis Draft International Standard covers the classification of air cleanliness by particles (ACP)...nanoscale particles, nano cleanroom, ACPa. Standard Measurement and Characterizations
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyThose involved with compliance and testing of nanoscale particle cleanliness of air in a...2014-02-28
58International Organization for StandardizationISOISO/DTS 19337Characterization of nano-objects, and their aggregates and agglomerates, suspended in media for in vitro assaysThis Technical Specification describes essential characteristics and applicable measurement...Nano-objects, and their aggregates and agglomerates greater than 100 nm (NOAA), in vitro assays, nana. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2016-04-01