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Items found: 203
Record #Source (e.g. developer/organization)Acronym (e.g. ISO, IEC)Identifier (e.g. document designation number)Title of document Scope/descriptionKeywordsType of DocumentIssue area(s) this applies toPrimary category that this applies toIntended stakeholdersLastModif
94National Institute of Standards and Technology-Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNIST-NCLPCC-9Determination of Gold in Rat Blood with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry A new class of pharmaceutical candidate based on gold nanoparticles has entered the small nanoparticles,e. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-08
93National Institute of Standards and Technology-Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNIST-NCLPCC-8Determination of Gold in Rat Ti ssue with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry A new class of pharmaceutical candidate based on gold nanoparticles has entered the small animal...Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Gold nanoparticlese. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-08
2International Organization for StandardizationISO18827ESR as a method for measuring ROS generated by metal oxide nanomaterialsThis technical specification will provide guidelines for the toxicity of ZnO nanomaterials in...Electronic spin resonance; ESR; Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS); spin-trap agentsa. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentNA2017-06-15
188International Organization for StandardizationISOTR 22293Evaluation of methods for assessing the release of nanomaterials from commercial, nanomaterial containing polymer compositesThis technical report reviews and evaluates the utility of available methods to assess material...manufactured nanomaterial; release, ecotoxicity, compositesa. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2021-08-12
16International Organization for StandardizationISOTR 18637General framework for the development of occupational exposure limits for nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomeratesThis technical report provides overview of the state of the science in methodologies and...occupational exposure limits, OELs, OEBs, NOAA, frameworka. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/Manufacturing2017-01-09
24U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNIOSHDHHS (NIOSH) 2012-147General Safe Practices for Working with Engineered Nanomaterials in Research LaboratoriesThis document contains recommendations on engineering controls and safe practices for handling...nanomaterials, laboratory, occupational safetyc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and Environmentresearch community2014-02-28
26Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured NanomaterialsOECD-WPMNENV/JM/MONO(2012)40Guidance on Sample Preparation and Dosimetry for the Safety Testing of Manufactured NanomaterialsThe unique properties of manufactured nanomaterials have raised the question as to whether the...OECD, WPMN, preparation, dosimetry, characterization, media, regulatoryc. GuidelineMeasurement and CharacterizationsChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicalsThe primary audience are those preparing and reviewing materials used in testing for regulatory...2014-02-28
179International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62844Guidelines for quality and risk assessment for nano-enabled electrotechnical productsProvides a recommended methodology for identifying relevant parameters of nanomaterials as well...nanotechnology, risk assessment, environment, health, safetyb. Best PracticeHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentComputers and electronicsNanomaterial suppliers2017-01-27
126Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-2 Hep G2 Hepatocarcinoma Cytotoxicity AssayThis protocol describes the cytotoxicity testing of nanoparticle formulations in human...Hep g2, MTT, LDHe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
129Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-14Hep G2 Hepatocarcinoma Homogeneous Apoptosis AssayThis protocol describes the monitoring of nanoparticle treated human hepatocarcinoma cells...Hepg2, Caspase-3/7 activatione. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
122Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-3Hep G2 Hepatocyte Glutathione AssayThis protocol describes the analysis of human hepatocarcinoma cells (Hep G2) for reduced and...glutathione, HepG2,e. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
123Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-4Hep G2 Hepatocyte Li pid Peroxidation Assay This protocol describes the analysis of human hepatocarcinoma cells (Hep G2) for lipid...Hep G2, MDAe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
124Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-7Hepatocyte Primary ROS AssayThis protocol describes the testing of nanoparticle formulations for reactive oxygen species(ROS)...hepatocytes, SDe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
128Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-6HepG2 Hepatocarcinoma Apoptosis Assay This protocol describes the monitoring of nanoparticle treated human hepatocarcinoma cells...HepG2, caspase-3 activatione. SpecificationMeasurement and CharacterizationsChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
178International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TR 82834IEC nanoelectronics standardization roadmapdescribes the "IEC nanoelectronics standardization roadmap". It intends to establish a common...nanoelectronics; roadmap; nano-electrotechnology; nanoscale; nanofabricationd. Reference MaterialMeasurement and CharacterizationsComputers and electronics2017-01-27
27Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured NanomaterialsOECD-WPMNENV/JM/MONO(2012)8Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured NanomaterialsThis document, Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials, provides the...OECD, WPMN, regulatory, risk assessmentc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicalsRisk assessors and risk managers are a primary audience. There may be general interest in the...2014-02-28
121Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLITA-17In Vitro Induction of Leukoc yte Procoagulant Activity by Nanoparticles Leukocyte procoagulant activity (PCA) is accepted as an important component in the onset of...PCA, DIC, APLe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
163International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 21633Label-free impedance technology to assess the toxicity of nanomaterials in vitroThis document describes a methodology of a label free and real-time detection for non-invasive...nanomaterial, nm, toxicity, RCTA, in vitro testinga. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2021-08-12
115Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLITA-6Leukocyte Proliferation AssayThis document describes a protocol for assessing the effect of a nanoparticle formulation on the...PHA-M,lymphocytese. SpecificationHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
127Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCLGTA-5LLC-PK1 Kidney Cell Apoptosis AssayThis protocol describes the monitoring of nanoparticle treated porcine renal proximal tubule...LLC-PK1e. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
125LLC-PK1 Kidney Cytotoxicity AssayGTA-1LLC-PK1 Kidney Cytotoxicity Assay This protocol describes the cytotoxicity testing of nanoparticle formulations in porcine proximal...LDH, MTTe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-16
119Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNCL ITA-11Measurement of Nanoparticle Effect s on Cytotoxic Activity of NK Cells by Label-Free RT-CES System NK cells carry small granules in their cytoplasm which contain special proteins such as perforin...perforin, NK, granzymese. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency2014-07-16
134International Organization for StandardizationISO18196Measurement technique matrix for the characterization of nano-objectsThis Technical Report provides a matrix, which guides users to commercially available techniques...nano-objects, physico-chemical characterization, TEM, SEM, SFM, SPM, FT-IR, DLS, EELS, IG, ICP-MS,a. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2017-01-09
98National Institute of Standards and Technology-Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNIST-NCLPCC-12Measuring the Electrolytic Co nductivity of Nanoparticle Suspensions This document provides a protocol for measuring the electrolytic conductivity (κ) ofnanoparticle...NIST RM, KTI1, PHe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment
Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-07-08
99National Institute of Standards and Technology-Nanotechnology Characterization LaboratoryNIST-NCLPCC-13Measuring the pH of Na noparticle Suspensions This document provides a protocol for measuring the pH of dilute nanoparticle suspensions of...NIST RM, nanoparticlesuspensionse. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Health, Safety, and Environment