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Items found: 203
Record # | Source (e.g. developer/organization) | Acronym (e.g. ISO, IEC) | Identifier (e.g. document designation number) | Title of document | Scope/description | Keywords | Type of Document | Issue area(s) this applies to | Primary category that this applies to | Intended stakeholders | LastModif |
94 | National Institute of Standards and Technology-Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NIST-NCL | PCC-9 | Determination of Gold in Rat Blood with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry | A new class of pharmaceutical candidate based on gold nanoparticles has entered the small animal... | gold nanoparticles, | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-08 | |
93 | National Institute of Standards and Technology-Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NIST-NCL | PCC-8 | Determination of Gold in Rat Ti ssue with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry | A new class of pharmaceutical candidate based on gold nanoparticles has entered the small animal... | Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Gold nanoparticles | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-08 | |
2 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 18827 | ESR as a method for measuring ROS generated by metal oxide nanomaterials | This technical specification will provide guidelines for the toxicity of ZnO nanomaterials in... | Electronic spin resonance; ESR; Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS); spin-trap agents | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | NA | 2017-06-15 | |
188 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TR 22293 | Evaluation of methods for assessing the release of nanomaterials from commercial, nanomaterial containing polymer composites | This technical report reviews and evaluates the utility of available methods to assess material... | manufactured nanomaterial; release, ecotoxicity, composites | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2021-08-12 | ||
16 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TR 18637 | General framework for the development of occupational exposure limits for nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates | This technical report provides overview of the state of the science in methodologies and... | occupational exposure limits, OELs, OEBs, NOAA, framework | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | General Industry/Manufacturing | 2017-01-09 | |
24 | U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | NIOSH | DHHS (NIOSH) 2012-147 | General Safe Practices for Working with Engineered Nanomaterials in Research Laboratories | This document contains recommendations on engineering controls and safe practices for handling... | nanomaterials, laboratory, occupational safety | c. Guideline | Health, Safety, and Environment | research community | 2014-02-28 | |
26 | Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials | OECD-WPMN | ENV/JM/MONO(2012)40 | Guidance on Sample Preparation and Dosimetry for the Safety Testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials | The unique properties of manufactured nanomaterials have raised the question as to whether the... | OECD, WPMN, preparation, dosimetry, characterization, media, regulatory | c. Guideline | Measurement and Characterizations | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | The primary audience are those preparing and reviewing materials used in testing for regulatory... | 2014-02-28 |
179 | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC | IEC TS 62844 | Guidelines for quality and risk assessment for nano-enabled electrotechnical products | Provides a recommended methodology for identifying relevant parameters of nanomaterials as well... | nanotechnology, risk assessment, environment, health, safety | b. Best Practice | Health, Safety, and Environment | Computers and electronics | Nanomaterial suppliers | 2017-01-27 |
126 | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NCL | GTA-2 | Hep G2 Hepatocarcinoma Cytotoxicity Assay | This protocol describes the cytotoxicity testing of nanoparticle formulations in human... | Hep g2, MTT, LDH | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-16 | |
129 | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NCL | GTA-14 | Hep G2 Hepatocarcinoma Homogeneous Apoptosis Assay | This protocol describes the monitoring of nanoparticle treated human hepatocarcinoma cells... | Hepg2, Caspase-3/7 activation | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-16 | |
122 | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NCL | GTA-3 | Hep G2 Hepatocyte Glutathione Assay | This protocol describes the analysis of human hepatocarcinoma cells (Hep G2) for reduced and... | glutathione, HepG2, | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-16 | |
123 | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NCL | GTA-4 | Hep G2 Hepatocyte Li pid Peroxidation Assay | This protocol describes the analysis of human hepatocarcinoma cells (Hep G2) for lipid... | Hep G2, MDA | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-16 | |
124 | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NCL | GTA-7 | Hepatocyte Primary ROS Assay | This protocol describes the testing of nanoparticle formulations for reactive oxygen species(ROS)... | hepatocytes, SD | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-16 | |
128 | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NCL | GTA-6 | HepG2 Hepatocarcinoma Apoptosis Assay | This protocol describes the monitoring of nanoparticle treated human hepatocarcinoma cells... | HepG2, caspase-3 activation | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-16 | |
178 | International Electrotechnical Commission | IEC | IEC TR 82834 | IEC nanoelectronics standardization roadmap | describes the "IEC nanoelectronics standardization roadmap". It intends to establish a common... | nanoelectronics; roadmap; nano-electrotechnology; nanoscale; nanofabrication | d. Reference Material | Measurement and Characterizations | Computers and electronics | 2017-01-27 | |
27 | Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development - Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials | OECD-WPMN | ENV/JM/MONO(2012)8 | Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials | This document, Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials, provides the... | OECD, WPMN, regulatory, risk assessment | c. Guideline | Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | Risk assessors and risk managers are a primary audience. There may be general interest in the... | 2014-02-28 |
121 | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NCL | ITA-17 | In Vitro Induction of Leukoc yte Procoagulant Activity by Nanoparticles | Leukocyte procoagulant activity (PCA) is accepted as an important component in the onset of... | PCA, DIC, APL | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-16 | |
163 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | TS 21633 | Label-free impedance technology to assess the toxicity of nanomaterials in vitro | This document describes a methodology of a label free and real-time detection for non-invasive... | nanomaterial, nm, toxicity, RCTA, in vitro testing | a. Standard | Health, Safety, and Environment | 2021-08-12 | ||
115 | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NCL | ITA-6 | Leukocyte Proliferation Assay | This document describes a protocol for assessing the effect of a nanoparticle formulation on the... | PHA-M,lymphocytes | e. Specification | Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-16 | |
127 | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NCL | GTA-5 | LLC-PK1 Kidney Cell Apoptosis Assay | This protocol describes the monitoring of nanoparticle treated porcine renal proximal tubule... | LLC-PK1 | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-16 | |
125 | LLC-PK1 Kidney Cytotoxicity Assay | GTA-1 | LLC-PK1 Kidney Cytotoxicity Assay | This protocol describes the cytotoxicity testing of nanoparticle formulations in porcine proximal... | LDH, MTT | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-16 | ||
119 | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NCL | ITA-11 | Measurement of Nanoparticle Effect s on Cytotoxic Activity of NK Cells by Label-Free RT-CES System | NK cells carry small granules in their cytoplasm which contain special proteins such as perforin... | perforin, NK, granzymes | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency | 2014-07-16 | |
134 | International Organization for Standardization | ISO | 18196 | Measurement technique matrix for the characterization of nano-objects | This Technical Report provides a matrix, which guides users to commercially available techniques... | nano-objects, physico-chemical characterization, TEM, SEM, SFM, SPM, FT-IR, DLS, EELS, IG, ICP-MS, | a. Standard | Measurement and Characterizations | 2017-01-09 | ||
98 | National Institute of Standards and Technology-Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NIST-NCL | PCC-12 | Measuring the Electrolytic Co nductivity of Nanoparticle Suspensions | This document provides a protocol for measuring the electrolytic conductivity (κ) ofnanoparticle... | NIST RM, KTI1, PH | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | Chemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals | 2014-07-08 | |
99 | National Institute of Standards and Technology-Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | NIST-NCL | PCC-13 | Measuring the pH of Na noparticle Suspensions | This document provides a protocol for measuring the pH of dilute nanoparticle suspensions of... | NIST RM, nanoparticlesuspensions | e. Specification | Measurement and Characterizations Health, Safety, and Environment | 2014-07-08 |