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Items found: 203
Record #Source (e.g. developer/organization)Acronym (e.g. ISO, IEC)Identifier (e.g. document designation number)Title of document Scope/descriptionKeywordsType of DocumentIssue area(s) this applies toPrimary category that this applies toIntended stakeholdersLastModif
224International Electrotechnical CommissionIEC62607-6-3Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 6-3: Graphene-based material - Domain size: substrate oxidationestablishes a standardized method to determine the structural key control characteristic – domain...graphene CVD substrate oxidatione. SpecificationMeasurement and CharacterizationsEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency2021-10-08
174International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62607-6-4Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 6-4: Graphene - Surface conductance measurement using resonant cavityestablishes a method for determining the surface conductance of two-dimensional (2D) single-layer...graphene; surface conductance; nano-carbon; chemical vapor deposition; CVD; resonant cavity; resonane. SpecificationMeasurement and CharacterizationsEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyGraphene suppliers, graphene end users; researchers2017-01-26
227International Electrotechnical CommissionIEC62607-8-1Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 8-1: Nano-enabled metal-oxide interfacial devices - Test method for defect states by thermally stimulated currentThere are two types of thermally stimulated current (TSC) measurement methods, classified by the...e. SpecificationMeasurement and CharacterizationsEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency2021-10-08
228International Electrotechnical CommissionIEC62607-8-2Nanomanufacturing - Key control characteristics - Part 8-2: Nano-enabled metal-oxide interfacial devices - Test method for the polarization properties by thermally stimulated depolarization currentThere are two types of thermally stimulated current (TSC) measurement methods, classified by the...thermally stimulated current metal oxide polarizatione. SpecificationMeasurement and CharacterizationsEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency2021-10-08
175International Electrotechnical CommissionIEC/IEEEIEC 62659Nanomanufacturing - Large scale manufacturing for nanoelectronicsProvides a framework for introducing nanoelectronics into large scale, high volume production in...nanoelectronics; large scale; high volume production; semiconductor; nanomaterials; carbon nanotubesa. Standard Performance MethodsComputers and electronics2017-01-26
15International Electrotechnical CommisssionIEC62565-2-1Nanomanufacturing - Material specifications - Part 2-1: Single-wall carbon nanotubes - Blank detail specificationIEC/PAS 62565-2-1:2011(E) establishes a blank detail specification for the essential electrical...Carbon nanotubes, blank detail specification, single-wall, CNT, SWCNTe. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations
Material Specifications
Performance Methods
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencySuppliers and end users of carbon nanotubes intended for use in electrical and electronic...2014-02-28
217International Electrotechnical CommissionIEC62565-4-2Nanomanufacturing - Material specifications - Part 4-2: Luminescent nanomaterials - Detail specification for general lighting and display applicationsspecifies the essential general and optical requirements of monodisperse luminescent...nanomanufacturing; luminescent; nanomaterials; quantum dots; monodispersee. SpecificationMaterial SpecificationsEnergy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiency2021-09-28
86International Organization for StandardizationISOISO/TS 12025:2012 Nanomaterials -- Quantification of nano-object release from powders by generation of aerosolsThis Technical Specification provides methodology for the quantification of nano-object release...nano-objects; agglomerates; aggregates; powdersa. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2014-06-10
30International Organization for StandardizationISOTR 13329Nanomaterials — Preparation of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)This Technical Report provides guidance on the development of content for, and consistency in,...Manufactured nanomaterials, safety data sheeta. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-02-28
54International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC 62632Nanoscale electrical contacts and interconnectsIEC/TR 62632:2013(E) is a Technical Report that describes a variety of nanoscale contacts and...nanoscale; contacts; interconnects; graphene; fabrication; process; characterization;b. Best PracticeMeasurement and Characterizations
Material Specifications
Performance Methods
Product Specifications
Energy e.g. Energy storage, energy efficiencyManufacturers of nano-enabled electrotechnical products2014-03-07
143International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 20660Nanotechnologies - Antibacterial Silver Nanoparticles - Specification Of Characteristics And Measurement MethodsThis document provides guidance for the specification of characteristics and relevant measurement...Nanosilver; antibacterial properties; characteristics; measurement methodsa. Standard Material Specifications2019-06-14
203International Organization for StandardizationISOTS 23459Nanotechnologies - Assessment Of Protein Secondary Structure During An Interaction With Nanomaterials Using Ultraviolet Circular DichroismThis document specifies measurement protocols and test conditions to determine alterations to...a. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2021-08-17
82International Organization for StandardizationISOISO/TS 11888:2011 Nanotechnologies - Characterization of multiwall carbon nanotubes -- Mesoscopic shape factorsThis Technical Specification describes methods for the characterization of mesoscopic shape...multiwall carbon nanotubes; MWCNTa. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2014-06-10
162International Organization for StandardizationISOTR 22019Nanotechnologies - Considerations For Performing Toxicokinetic Studies With NanomaterialsThis document describes the background and principles for toxicokinetic studies relevant for...nanomaterials, toxicology, risk assessment, toxicokinetics, OECDa. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2019-06-14
212International Organization for StandardizationISOTR 23652Nanotechnologies - Considerations for Radiolabeling Methods of Nanomaterials for Performance EvaluationThis document provides: a) a review of radioisotope labelling methods that can be used for...a. Standard Performance MethodsBionano applications2025-02-27
176International Electrotechnical CommissionIECIEC TS 62622Nanotechnologies - Description, measurement and dimensional quality parameters of artificial gratingsSpecifies the generic terminology for the global and local quality parameters of artificial...artificial gratings; dimensional qualityTerminology and Nomenclaturenanomaterial manufacturers, nanomaterial users; research2017-01-27
233International Organization for StandardizationISO21357Nanotechnologies - Evaluation of the mean size of nano-objects in liquid dispersions by static multiple light scattering (SMLS)This document provides guidance and requirements for the determination of the mean (spherical)...e. SpecificationMeasurement and Characterizations2025-02-27
35International Organization for StandardizationISO10801Nanotechnologies - Generation of metal nanoparticles for inhalation toxicity testing using the evaporation/condensation methodThis International Standard gives requirements and recommendations for generating metal...metal nanoparticles, inhalation toxicity testing, evaporation/condensation methoda. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2014-02-28
15International Organization for Standardization/European Committee on StandardizationISO/CEN13830.2Nanotechnologies - Guidance on the voluntary labelling for consumer products containing manufactured nano-objectsThis Technical Specification provides guidance on the content of voluntary labels for consumer...nano-objects, consumer products, labellinga. Standard 2014-02-28
189International Organization for StandardizationISO22455Nanotechnologies - High Throughput Screening Method For Nanoparticles Toxicity Using 3D Model CellsThis proposal is to define a reliable and repeatable high throughput screening method to evaluate...nanoparticles, cytoxicity, 3D cells, screening assaysa. Standard Health, Safety, and Environment2022-01-14
231International Organization for StandardizationISO4962Nanotechnologies - In vitro acute nanoparticle phototoxicity assayThis document specifies a procedure to evaluate acute phototoxicity of nanoparticles (NPs),...Phototoxicity, titanium dioxidea. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicals2025-02-27
18International Organization for StandardizationISO19007Nanotechnologies - In Vitro MTS Assay For Measuring The Cytotoxic Effect Of NanoparticlesISO 19007:2018 specifies a method for evaluating the effects of nano-objects and their aggregates...a. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentBiological testing laboratories.2019-06-14
137International Organization for StandardizationISOTR 19733Nanotechnologies - Matrix Of Properties And Measurement Techniques For Graphene And Related Two-Dimensional (2D) MaterialsThis document provides a matrix which links key properties of graphene and related...Graphene, 2-d materials, measurement methods, structural propertiesa. Standard Measurement and Characterizations2019-06-14
33International Organization for StandardizationISO13121Nanotechnologies - Nanomaterial risk evaluationThis Technical Report describes a process for identifying, evaluating, addressing, making...Nanomaterials, risk managementa. Standard Health, Safety, and EnvironmentChemicals e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, paints, basic chemicalsOrganizations that manufacture or process nanomaterials, or manufacture, process or distribute...2014-02-28
52CSA GroupCSACAN/CSA-ISO/TR 13121:13Nanotechnologies - Nanomaterial risk evaluationThis is the first edition of CAN/CSA-ISO/TR 13121, Nanotechnologies - Nanomaterial risk...nanotechnology, nanomaterials, risk, risk managementc. GuidelineHealth, Safety, and EnvironmentGeneral Industry/Manufacturing2014-02-28